HEALTHY SWAPS for your every day foods.

Getting healthy, managing your weight and making more positive choices doesn't have to mean feeling deprived and giving up really good food.

One of my favorite things to work on with my clients is identifying healthy swaps for less healthy foods (especially processed carbs and sweets) that they can enjoy more often without the negative impact caused by the less healthy option.

This includes foods like pasta, bread, crackers, cookies, cereal, etc., because the white, refined versions of these foods are unfortunately void of nutrients and can be a big culprit to a lot of health and weight issues many people struggle with.

But, like I said, there are a lot of great replacements for these foods, and below are a few of my go-to swaps that I promise deliver on taste as well as nutrients!!

1. PASTA: Healthy Swap- Ancient Harvest Organic + Gluten Free Pasta (made from organic corn and quinoa). This brand offers a variety of pastas, so you can swap it in for most recipes.

2. BREAD: Healthy Swap- sprouted grain bread like Food For Life Baking Ezekiel Sprouted Whole Grain Bread and Engish Muffins (my fave). Sourdough from your local bakery is also a really great option and is fermented, which makes it easier to digest!

3. CRACKERS: Healthy Swap- grain-free Simple Mills Almond Flour Crackers (all flavors are good!) and Mary’s Gone Crackers Organic & Gluten Free Sea Salt Real Thin Crackers.

4. CEREAL: Healthy Swap- Cascadia Farms Organic Cereal, Barbara’s Puffins, Three Wishes Grain Free Cereal. Cereal is often loaded with sugar and processed ingredients, but these 3 brands use good quality and simple ingredients, while also tasty like cereal should :).

5. COOKIES: Healthy Swap- Simple Mills Grain-Free chocolate Chip Cookies, Enjoy Life Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies.

I’m always here for a good healthy swap, so feel free to share your favorites in the comments, and add these to your next grocery list to step up your health game and food choices.


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