Balance Your Hormones
Manage Your Weight
This e-guide is a simple, accessible and informative approach to help you understand the role that hormones play in your weight and health, identify the areas that need some attention, and learn how to implement attainable changes to help optimize your hormonal health and lose weight with less effort.
If you’re struggling to lose weight, even a stubborn 5-10 pounds, and you’ve put in the effort through various diets, workouts and programs but haven’t seen success (or long term results), you’re most likely taking the wrong approach.
When you start to focus on optimizing and supporting your hormones, especially the ones that play a large role in your weight, you’ll begin to see real results.
This new e-course will give you access to all the details about the key hormones involved in managing your weight and how to optimize them for sustainable weight loss.
The material is easy to digest and is loaded with key takeaways and tools.

A Sneak Peak…

What’s included…
8 easy-to-follow sections that guide you through the main hormones that are most likely the reason for your gain weight and why you can’t lose weight, along with how to optimize these hormones for successful weight loss.
Actionable tips and takeaways, so you can put the material into practice and begin to make easy changes from the start.
Specific examples of foods, products and routines that support hormonal health and weight loss, along with links to exact items I recommend.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner menus to choose from as you plan your meals, along with a healthy-hormone snack list full of delicious options.
Self-paced program, so you can take your time and go at a rate that supports your lifestyle, while also having this as a resource to refer back to when needed.
15% savings on any future one-on-one coaching sessions.

Imagine waking up in the morning with a simple routine ready to go that helps you manage your weight and promotes a healthy trajectory for your day (like taking specific supplements and shifting how you drink your coffee).
As you continue on with your day, you have a few habits and tools set in place to help you regulate the key hormones responsible for managing your weight, mood and energy. This might be squeezing in a 30 minute workout or power walk, enjoying an afternoon snack that gives you fat and protein (specific examples provided), or taking a certain regimen of supplements that will support gut health, cortisol and energy.
When you begin to wrap up your day, you actually look forward to your new evening routine that promotes relaxation and a restful night’s sleep, supporting your natural circadian rhythm to better optimize your hormones and help you wake up refreshed.
Well, you can expect ALL of this plus more in Balance Your Hormones, Manage Your Weight