As with many foods, you can’t just go by the label and packaging to determine if it’s healthy. And while in theory a protein bar should be a healthy part of your diet and provide you with necessary protein, as mentioned in the name, this isn’t always the case. While the grams of protein might be high, and the wrapper might say buzz words like “paleo-friendly” or “gluten-free”, it doesn’t mean it’s high in quality or a healthy option.
In fact, it’s probably high in added sugar and other ingredients like additives and artificial sweeteners, as well unhealthy and processed oils, which is why it’s important to always check the label and read the ingredient list.
With that being said, of course there are also great options that are actually healthy, provide a nice dose of protein and are so delicious you’ll enjoy eating and even crave them.
Below are my top 5 bars that all come in different flavors and some even offer mini and kid sizes. Each brand offers different tastes, textures and ingredients, so take what works for your tastebuds and needs:
GoMacro Protein Bar: double chocolate and peanut butter chip:
10 grams of protein
RXBAR: peanut butter chocolate:
12 grams of protein
IQ Bar: chocolate sea salt:
12 grams of protein
Perfect Bar: cookie dough:
12 grams of protein
Mosh Bar: cookie dough crunch
12 grams of protein
One tip to always remember: keeping healthy, high protein snacks on hand will help keep your energy and blood sugar levels stable, and these bars give you great options to add to your list!