8 Simple Ideas For a Healthy Morning Routine
Most of us don’t have the time or energy to put into a long and involved routine in the morning, but the good news is it only takes a couple non-negotiables to start your day on a healthy, positive note.
Below are few ideas for you to adapt into your routine that have shown to be both simple and effective. There’s no need to check every item off the list, just choose the ones that inspire you and that you realistically can commit to:
Prepare for a good morning the night before by tidying up your house, so that you wake up to a clean and calm home ready for a fresh new day.
Avoid hitting the snooze button when the alarm (or kids) wake you up. Get up and hit the ground running by getting up and out of bed without delay.
Carve out space to have quiet time for yourself- whether a meditation, alone time in the shower, a quick workout - whatever gives you a little headspace can be super helpful for starting the day with a clear and focused mind.
Begin your day with an affirmation, because what you say in the morning matters a lot.
Have some form of hydrating and detoxifying drink, like lemon water, warm water with ginger, lemon and honey or even an herbal tea.
Make your bed to not only help you create a clean space but to also jumpstart your day with a small win that can help spark your motivation. Plus, it’s been said that making your bed is the easiest daily habit you can do to boost happiness.
Keep your phone on do not disturb or just avoid checking your emails and social media for a period of time in the morning to help center your day around you and not others.
Get dressed, even if you work from home :). Like making your bed, changing out of your pajamas and getting yourself ready can help you feel more motivated and energized. Bonus: put on workout clothes so you’re that much more likely to move your body.