A Pre-Dinner Snack That Will Help Reduce Mindless Munching

Many of my clients find that late afternoon/early evening time to be a hot one for endless munching and mindless snacking, It’s that time where the work day is wrapping up and the evening is starting to set in, but it’s not yet time for dinner. And if you’re a parent it might be a time where you’re preparing dinner for your littles but not yet for yourself, which makes it way too easy to pick at all the finger foods in front of you.

There’s one trick that I rely on, and has been really beneficial to many of my clients, that helps stop the mindless munching and sets you up to head into dinner with much more intention.

This helpful hack is about making a point to eat a satisfying (but not overly filling), high-fat, and high-fiber snack about 2 hours before dinner. This provides you with the nutrients you need to stabilize your blood sugar level and therefore balance your insulin production and support your metabolism and energy. This will also help you go into your dinner with the hunger edge taken off so you can listen to your body and eat until you’re satisfies all while enjoying your food, since you won’t be ravenous and scarfing it down.

A bonus?

This shift supports easier and more sustainable weight loss, without having to remove or restrict foods.

The special hack that we all gravitate towards?

Eating raw veggies with hummus.

I know it sounds so simple and not exciting, but it’s wild what this one simple change can do.

When 5pm rolls around and you’re hungry and tired, pull out your pre-cut veggies (or bag of baby carrots) and hummus. Start to satisfying your hungry and boosts your nutrients, so that you can reduce the mindless munching and crowd out the less healthy foods.


Plant-Based Made Simple
